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Why I love video games and gaming

Playing video games is a hobby that never gets old, I learned this the first time I ever played a video game at age 9; my life was forever changed from that point on.

I've beaten just about every game there is; there are a few exceptions such as games that I have not played for other game systems such as Xbox and the like.

I've played and beat games for the NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, Playstation 1, Playstation 2 and Playstation 3; I've even played a few for the Playstation 4.

To me, video games are not just a hobby, they are a way of life and they have kept me out of a lot of trouble throughout my life. Incidentally, I love playing video games because they have taught me how to think outside the box and enhanced that thinking.

Plus, video games are great stress relievers and the experience is as wonderful as any hobby can be; it equates spending the day at Disneyland only without the high costs for rides and food.

I am a fan of all kinds of games whether they are current or retro. I've developed and devised my own strategies in many of the games that I still play today. For example, Yugioh GX: The Beginning of Destiny.

I have a deck of every element. The reason why I do is because, in my gameplay experience, one deck of cards do not a strategist make.

Another reason why I love playing video games is because they teach you how to not only outsmart your opponent, but being able to effectively form a strategy to outdo your opponent.

I like playing video games because I love the peace that it brings me and constantly reminds me of how good it feels to do something I've loved since I was a kid. Playing video games is a hobby I'll never grow out of.

Video games are constantly teaching me something, and I love it. I learned that playing video games well into old age can keep your mind mentally sharp and keep it from succumbing to mental atrophy.

We gamers are true geniuses of the universe, it is because of us the video game world is a billion dollar industry.

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