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The Retro Game Station

So, I have been thinking about starting my video game emporium which was basically re-collecting every game that I've ever had for every game system I've ever owned for the longest time.

Well, there is one item that made that completely possible, the Retro Game Station! This baby comes complete with 4000+ games plus, it has every game from Ninja Gaiden 1 to Super Castlevania IV to Shining Force I and II etc.

The Retro Game Station; this is the most valuable piece of video game tech to exist and to put a fine point on it, every gamer should have this in their home because it alleviates the headache of trying to find retro game cartridges for sale.

Also, it is easy to put together and play immediately. I was playing Battletoads & Double Dragon on it a few nights ago and I loved it; I haven't played that game since I was about 17 years old.

All of the classics are on there including Star Fox 64 and Super Mario 64. I'm thinking of getting another Retro Game Station as a collector's item because it is that great. This is a product I recommend every gamer get their hands on, it's worth its weight in gold and then some.

Trust me, the Retro Game Station product is good and solid. Get one today, you'll be glad you did when you're sitting in your home, on your HDTV, playing Super Mario RPG or Super Metroid.

I, an expert gamer, a lover of all games, cannot say enough good things about this product; you're missing out if you don't get one. Check it out here

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